Woman to create history in Lions
Lion Beverly Reddock will create history on July 1, when she is officially sworn in as District Governor of the Lions Club District 60B, Region 3, at the 88th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention in Hong Kong.
Reddock, who previously held the prestigious position of Vice-District Governor, will become the first female and the first Vincentian national to hold the top post. {{more}}Voted by her peers as District Governor-elect on May 27 in Guyana, Reddock will replace Lion Milton Pinnock of Jamaica when she is officially sworn in.
Reddock, a businesswoman and member of the Lions Club here for the past 20 years, told SEARCHLIGHT in an exclusive interview the task ahead is a very challenging one, but she is ready for the challenge.
“Generally I am a humble person. I accept it with humility,” said Reddock, who will represent the Lions Club District 60B, Region Three, which comprises 68 clubs spread across 21 countries.
She said that in today’s competitive world, clubs are challenged for quality membership, finance and time.
Reddock explained that the Lions Club was a voluntary organization and people have to be prepared to give freely of their time and labour. She said the challenge these days is finding people wanting to give freely of their time and labour.
She used her tenure as Vice District Governor, 2004-2005, to prepare herself for the challenge and to device strategies for the task ahead.
Reddock has selected several of her Vincentian counterparts to work with her on the district cabinet. Lion Gillian John will fill the post of Cabinet Secretary with Cabinet officers being Leo Anton Jardine and Lions Bernadine Gumbs, Sylvia Defreitas and Joycelyn Carr.
Reddock began with the Lions movement in 1985, then as a Lioness. That term was phased out in 1992 when all female members of the organization became know as Lions. She has held many positions since then, among them on the Board of Directors including president.
She has been a Zone and Region chairman and has held various positions within the District Cabinet where she served as Associate Leadership chairperson.
She is the current President of the Lions Club of Kingstown, SVG.
The Lions Clubs in the Caribbean are divided into four regions. Each year, one of the four regions is allowed, on a rotational basis, to nominate someone as the candidate for Vice-District Governor. Last year it was the turn of Region Three and therefore Lion Beverly won that coveted nomination.