Couple charged in bloody murder
Two persons, Eleador Patterson and his girlfriend Dion Bacchus have been charged with the murder of Caldric Glasgow of Diamond.
The brutal slaying of Caldric Glasgow of Diamond left neighbours in shock when the news broke early Sunday morning last. {{more}}
Residents of the area believe Glasgow’s eventual killing shortly after 5 a.m. came as a result of a land dispute.
A post mortem carried out on the body detected that Glasgow received a stab wound to the heart, along with multiple injuries to his head.
Sylvia Dalzell, the mother of the deceased, told SEARCHLIGHT that when she received the news of the death of her son, she became weak and frightened.
“A son gave me a cup of water to drink and the cup drop out of my hand. I couldn’t manage it,” said Dalzell.
Dalzell disclosed that piece of an ice pick was discovered in Glasgow’s forehead during the post mortem.
Two persons are currently assisting the Police in their investigation.