March 18, 2005

Priddie worried about stalling

Today Friday March 18, the Transport Board is expected to meet again at the Conference Room of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force Headquarters. That will be a follow up to previous gatherings of the Transport Board and members of the national Omnibus association. {{more}}

Responses were expected by last Wednesday from cabinet on proposals for increases in fares by NOBA.

But NOBA’s president Herman Priddie was optimistic that by next cabinet sitting Wednesday march 23, the word should be out on approval for the upgrading in travel prices.

Priddie was rather cautious and cordial in assessment of the situation. He pointed out that NOBA was not bent on confrontation, but that upgrading the payment was a vital necessity.

The meeting on Wednenday was chaired by Commissioner of Police William Harry.

Noba was represented by a four-member delegation including Herman Priddie, Leroy Gilbert, Len grant and Claude Bascombe.

Priddie disclosed that the Transport Board wanted a “few areas” where justification on the price increased was needed.”

According to Priddie the increases sought have been in “extreme areas,” and the additional amount was $1.

In most other areas, fifty cents increases were proposed.

Priddie expressed the hope that members of the Transport Board and the Cabinet were not stalling their efforts to obtain the fare upgrade.

“If they are stalling, I am hoping that they would change that objective.”

Priddie outlined that fuel increases had been in effect since January 1, and that all other areas of social life had adjusted to the fuel hike.

“It seems as though we should be the only ones to absorb the fuel increase,’ Priddie said.

He added that NOBA members were losing since the oil price went up. He noted that the price for fish had gone up to $7 a pound, and that prices at the super markets had also been upgraded.

Priddie acknowledeged that inflation had risen, commensurate with the increased energy costs. But still, there was reluctance to offer NOBA their price increase.

Priddie also pointed out that inflation also extended to vehicle parts which additionally affected Minibus operators, and that NOBA` members were faced with the price increases at the supermarkets.