Rose returns from Fair Trade talks
December 10, 2004

Rose returns from Fair Trade talks

WINFA co-ordinator, Renwick Rose, has wrapped up an eight-day visit to France and Belgium, sponsored by the French development organisation, PEUPLES SOLIDAIRES. {{more}}That visit was aimed at promoting Fair Trade, exchanging experiences and strategies in defending the interests of farmers, promoting food security and food sovereignty and building an alliance of consumers and small producers.

Rose’s visit took him to several locations in France, addressing a meeting of consumers, Fair Trade and farmers’ organisations as well as media interviews. The high point was a two-day seminar in Paris on November 20 and 21 where he was one of the featured speakers on both days.

The visit concluded with a visit to the Belgian city of Gent where he held meetings with the Belgian Fair Trade organisation, OXFAM and Wereldwenkels, which has long been seeking to import Windwards Fair Trade bananas into Belgium.

The WINFA co-ordinator has now joined up with the team from the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC), led by CRC chairman, Parnel Campbell, which is holding consultations with Vincentians in the UK. The CRC has already held fruitful discussions with Vincentians in London (Friday, Nov. 19), Coventry (Sunday, 21st) and Reading (Tues., 23). The last two consultations will be in Lation (Wed., Nov. 24) and High Wycombe (Thurs., Nov. 25).