Defreitas returns from Global youth conference
September 3, 2004

Defreitas returns from Global youth conference

Kyle DeFreitas has returned from representing this country at the Global Young Leaders Conference(GYLC) which ran from July 11 through 22 in Washington D.C and New York.
He is one of several Vincentians who were among the over 400 outstanding scholars who attended and are back home much richer for the experience.{{more}} In fact Kyle came back home after this experience rejuvenated after what he describes as being “better than I thought.” He pointed to the benefits from the interaction with people from different cultures and learning about globalization among other things.
He was greeted by even better news only recently when he learnt that he had achieved 6 ones, 3 twos and 1 three at CXC examinations shot before his Washington trip.
Mike Lindsay executive director of the Congressional Youth Leadership Council Council (CYLC) which operates the GCYC said: Students like Kyle Defreitas, who participate in the conference are actively seeking out opportunities to better lead countries around the world.”