August 20, 2004

Caribbean nations sign with ROC


Three Caribbean nations have signed a joint communique with the Republic of China on Taiwan reiterating their backing for that Asian nation’s joining international organizations.{{more}}
Louis Straker, Minister of Foreign Affairs of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, signed on behalf of this country while his counterparts Dr. Timothy Harris and Elvin Nimrod signed on behalf of St. Kitts/Nevis and Grenada respectively, with Taiwan’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chen Tan-sun last Wednesday reaffirming pledges to step up relations and cement cooperation on a broad range of fronts.
In the joint declaration the three diplomatic partners, who are on a visit to Taiwan, reiterated their staunch backing for Taiwan to join international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
The four ministers reportedly condemned terrorism and supported all necessary measures to deter terrorist acts in both national and international contexts.
They also scrutinized joint ventures signed in the past and exchanged viewpoints on feasible cooperative ventures during the meeting.
Apart from bolstering political interaction, the officials vowed to strengthen exchanges in the fields of economics, tourism, education and culture.
Chen also agreed to clinch an accord with the three ministers on visa-exempt treatment for diplomatic passport holders to facilitate bilateral visits and exchanges between Taiwan and their countries.
Taiwan promised to help upgrade computer-related expertise, medical and public-health levels, and living standards in the three East Caribbean nations and it will send officials to assist with volunteer services there.
The three foreign ministers from the East Caribbean region arrived in Taipei on Tuesday to attend the 8th Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the four countries. They are slated to leave on Sunday.