August 6, 2004

University students getting vash flow

Vincentians pursuing University education will not have to worry about entering classrooms next semester.
This government has ensured that economic cost has been taken care of, and in case of students acquiring a student loan, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has guaranteed the amounts. {{more}}
There are different categories of loans available for students and Dr. Gonsalves announced a special $1.3 M for persons with income below $24,000 a year.
The Prime Minister also boasted of his government’s “ingenuity” in coming up with “creative means to ensure young people get university education’.
One with a keen outlook on university life, Dr. Gonsalves announced his confidence in young people going to universities.
A former university lecturer, a trained lawyer, and a graduate himself, Dr. Gonsalves urged students “to think carefully when you are making your investment to go and study.”
He added: “financing for university is vital.”
The Prime Minister, originally from the North Central Windward district of Colonarie, boasted that had he not gotten a university education, he would have been a farmer.
He urged students to get advice on issues of finance from the Ministry of Education. He pointed out however that there was a weakness in the system in that regard, because students were coming to him for suggestions.