August 6, 2004

NDP looking for propaganda material–Browne

Education, Youth and Sports Minister Mike Browne thinks that the opposition New Democratic Party is looking for propaganda material hence their dispute with government over funds to finance a Brazilian camp.
Browne made his feelings known last Tuesday as the House of Assembly met. {{more}}
He was making a statement on sport, in the wake of differences between the local Football Federation and the Government.
Opposition Senator St. Clair Leacock is president of the Football Federation.
The issue, which has been looming in the public eye for the last few weeks burst into the open in the House with charges and counter charges being made by both parties. Minister Browne outlined that the Unity Labour Party government viewed sport as a “central part of development.”
He boasted that sports was placed at the centre of government’s policy and was “no longer a side show.”
For Browne, never before had there been such a firm will by the government for recognising sports here.
He pointed out that his administration was “working assiduously to ensure that each sports had its own home.”
He stressed on the aspect of accountability and outlined that associations must ensure that practice.
Browne chided the Federation for refusing to “publicly account for money received.” He referred to “venomous hostility” from sections of the opposition New Democratic Party.
Browne stated that the Football Federation had not presented any budget for 2005 activities and he outlined a series of uncooperative actions by the Federation.
He accused the Federation of operating in an ‘ad hoc manner.’
He noted ‘disparities” in figures presented by the federation.
Senator Leacock was not impressed with Browne’s remarks however and the Minister’s remarks were punctuated with interjections by the opposition Senator. Browne declared that his government had “nothing against football.”
He pledged the government’s support for football and chided Leacock. “You can’t use your position on the executive to play politics at the expense of our footballers,” Browne added.