June 25, 2004

AT&T chooses Paula Durrant

AT&T Wireless St. Vincent and the Grenadines’s Paula Durrant has been chosen, by her team, as the one who embodies the drive, determination and the integrity necessary to put her in the running for a trip to Hawaii.{{more}}
The company has a program called the “Spirit of Excellence” that embodies a very important part of its culture – a standard of excellence in everything embarked upon. Each member of staff is encouraged to not accept the mediocre, but to meet and exceed expectations. The importance of keeping commitments to customers, colleagues, partners and the community is also impressed upon. And last, but certainly not least, this program stresses the significance of bringing an attitude of integrity, and respect for others to every relationship and transaction.
Those individuals who are selected for the “ Spirit of Excellence” award take home a monetary prize, a “Spirit of Excellence” award and t-shirt and consideration for the company’s coveted “Circle of Excellence” award.
This year’s Vincentian recipient, Paula Durrant, is considered most deserving of her award by her team for her unwavering commitment to her customers and to her colleagues. She always has a smile on her face, always has a kind word or a joke, she is knowledgeable about the products and the services she has to sell, and is a model employee.
Her teammates at A T& T Wireless are proud to call her colleague, and wish her the best in her endeavours!