Taiwan to host Trade Fair at Old Library
Vincentians will not only be able to enjoy Vincy Mas this June, but also have a great opportunity to see the high quality of Taiwanese products, which might have an impact on Vincentians.
An exhibition called the Taiwan Trade Fair will be held at the Old Public Library during the period of June 17 through 23, sponsored by the Embassy of the Republic of China on Taiwan. {{more}}
The Taiwan Trade Fair will display Taiwanese-made products in three main categories:
1. Agro-processing related products, which will utilize ideas for agricultural diversification for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
2. Computer and Electronic products, which will demonstrate the strength of Taiwanâs hi-tech powerhouse with the hope that the information age will also drive St. Vincent and the Grenadines to a potentially advanced state and
3. Tourism-related products, which will look to boost the prosperous tourism industry of the country.
The catalogues of Taiwanese-made products will also be showcased for local businessmen and entrepreneurs to seek opportunities of quality products for various purposes.
In addition to the Trade Fair as a new initiative, a Taiwan Trade Loan Fund, will also be put in place in the near future, through cooperation between the National Commercial Bank (SVG) and a bank in Taiwan for Vincentian entrepreneurs to take advantage of when in need of financial support. Vincentians who would like to trade with Taiwan are encouraged to explore this link globally and regionally. With competitive price and quality Taiwanese goods, Vincentians can engage in further trading with neighbouring countries in the Caribbean region.
With the invitation-only gala opening ceremony on June 16, the Taiwan Trade Fair will run at the Old Public Library. It will then be open to the public from June 17 till noon of June 23, daily 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. except June 20 (Sunday). No entrance fee will be charged.