Two shot in Dubois
May 21, 2004

Two shot in Dubois

Two Dubois residents are nursing gunshot wounds after a shooting attack last Sunday.
Saturday night had been a fun time for Shelly-Ann Mattis at the Soca Train at Victoria Park. That fun was not to last, however, as she found herself the victim of a gunman’s bullet later that night.{{more}}
Mattis claims she received a gunshot wound to her right thigh while opening the door to her home at about 3:15 a.m. on Sunday.
The second victim, 13-year-old Rueben Stewart who was sleeping on the porch of the same house at the time of the attack, suffered gunshot wounds to his mouth and hand.
Recalling the frightful experience, the young woman told SEARCHLIGHT her boyfriend, Cosmos Francis, was sitting in a chair untying his shoe laces while she opened the door when the gunman approached and started firing bullets.
“I managed to run inside the house. I didn’t know I had got shot and was scared that my boyfriend had died,” recalled Mattis. Fortunately for Francis he escaped unhurt after jumping over the porch wall to safety.
A few minutes later Mattis realised she had been shot in the thigh after her leg started to tremble and blood began streaming down.
Both shooting victims were taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital for medical treatment.
On Tuesday, Mattis told SEARCHLIGHT that just before the Carnival celebrations last year her boyfriend Francis had been involved in another shooting incident and suffered gunshot wounds in both legs. She disclosed that it was the same gunman who fired shots at them again.
“I don’t know why they want to kill my boyfriend,” said Mattis.
The police are investigating the matter.