May 14, 2004

Fly in crunchy peanut butter

Watch what you eat. That is the advice being give by rastafarian sister Melvine Thomas after her shocking experience with peanut butter.
Thomas says she purchased a jar of peanut butter, which her children love from a local supermarket. But on opening the jar, she noted that under the plastic seal there lay a fly, well embedded on the surface of the peanut butter, but very visible to the naked eye.{{more}}
She set off first to seek out the Consumers Association as she thinks that people ought to know “they need to be more careful with what they eat.”
The peanut butter carries the Bestway B Crunchy Peanut Butter brand distributed by Superior Inter Trading L.C. 11250 N.W. 25th St. Suite 114 Miami, Fl. 33172 and listed as a Product of India.
Melvine Thomas says that the supermarket offered to change the product but she wanted to alert other consumers to be on the lookout before they eat!