Giving God thanks for yet another Independence Day
Rt Rev Melford M. Pompey OM MO Senior Bishop/Archbishop (Ag)
October 26, 2018

Giving God thanks for yet another Independence Day

by: Rt. Rev Melford M Pompey OM MO
Senior Bishop/Archbishop (Ag)

Let us with a gladsome mind
Praise the Lord for he is kind
For his mercy shall endure
Ever faithful ever sure

What better way can we celebrate our 39th anniversary of Independence than to praise the Lord for His kindness towards us  As Spiritual Baptists, over the last few months, our faith has been put to the test having lost a number of spiritual elders. The most recent being Archbishop Frank Simon and Rev. Lavette Young who died as a result of a vehicular accident in Gordon Yard on their way to a Thanksgiving service in Chateaubelair.

To the families, we extend our deepest condolences and remind you that precious in the sight of the Lord are the death of His saints. May they rest in peace.

For Rev. Philemina Title and Ezron Pompey, the survivors, we are eternally grateful and wish you both a speedy recovery.

On a brighter note, the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese assisted nine of our successful students in this year’s CPEA exams through the Blessed Cosmore Mathias Pompey Memorial Fund (former Archbishop and Patriarch). I can only hope the students will soar with wings as eagles, unclipped, and make their contribution to the nation in time to come.

In the midst of all that we are going through, let us find time to celebrate with our nation the 39th anniversary of Independence.  You may ask what is there to celebrate, but let us be reminded that “Great is thy faithfulness”.

So far we have been spared the worst of storms and hurricanes formed in the Atlantic; but we must not forget those who are counting their losses, especially our brothers and sisters in Trinidad and Tobago hit by the recent flood; our prayers are with them.

As a nation, we continue to make progress and I must make special mention of the opportunities given to our youths, the nation’s future; the time is now to put partisan politics aside and celebrate our 39th anniversary of Independence with national pride; May peace reign from shore to shore.

At the time of writing this message our murder rate for 2018 stands at 28, we still believe one murder is one too many. Let us not surrender, for all is not lost; we are still a nation blessed by God and He still requires of us to do justly, love, mercy and walk humble with Him.  A nation that belongs to Him is blessed, let us not hide our status or be distracted by those who through criminality try to destroy the good name of St Vincent and the Grenadines. We must continue to pray for them that God will bring them to the gate of repentance that they may seek His face.

 If only a day of prayer can cause men, women, children, Christians, non Christians to humble themselves and pray by closing down all we do for that day, even the criminals must understand it is not business as usual; if we can be united in this way to believe, God will hear from heaven, heal the land and forgive us.  We call on all those who take the law into their hands to allow justice to roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream.

 On the issue of homosexuality, Leviticus 18:22 warns us that it is an abomination for a man to lie in bed with another man, the same goes with a woman; it remains an abomination because Jesus did not change it. We therefore condemn any same sex involvement. We stand by the scripture, marriage is between a man and a woman. Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

To all Spiritual Baptists, let us regroup, reunite, redouble our effort and recommit ourselves to work together for the upliftment of our faith and the advancement of the kingdom of God.  Our weapons are not carnal, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.

 On behalf of the Archdiocesan Council, the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese, my family, the Holy Matriarch, Her Excellency Mona Pompey, my wife Chermar and children, and on a personal behalf, wish the government and people of St Vincent and the Grenadines a happy 39th Anniversary of Independence and remember, what e’er the future brings, our faith will see us through.