I urge you to ‘be our brother’s keeper’
October 25, 2013

I urge you to ‘be our brother’s keeper’

Fri Oct 25, 2013

Michael Charles,

Greetings and Salutations

My fellow citizens, here in St Vincent and the Grenadines and in the diaspora, as we celebrate our 34th Anniversary of Independence, I bring you warmest greetings on behalf of the men and women of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, the organization of which I am very humbled to lead at this time, albeit in an acting capacity.{{more}}

St Vincent and the Grenadines has made tremendous strides economically, socially, culturally and in the area of national security, since attaining Independence in 1979. As citizens, we have much to be justly proud of, such as:

1. The natural beauty of our island

2. The resilient nature of our peoples; and

3. The physical, educational, spiritual and general development of our country over the years.

Transition in the Police Force

The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force is currently going through a period of transition. Commissioner of Police, Mr. Keith G. Miller, who has been at the helm of the organization for the past eight years, is demitting office on October 31, 2013, after serving this country as a Police Officer for over 34 years. We thank him for his service to the country and wish him success in his future endeavours.

Recently, there have been some new appointments in the Police Force. These appointments have brought fresh faces to the “Police High Command”. Mr Carlos Sampson, Superintendent of Police, is now an Assistant Commissioner of Police, in charge of Adminis­tration and Mr Christo­pher Benjamin, also a former Superinten­dent of Police, is now an Assistant Commissioner of Police (Ag.) in charge of Opera­tions. There are two new Superintendents, one new Acting Superintendent, two new Assistant Superintendents, one new Acting Assistant Superintendent, one new Inspector, seven new Station Sergeant, four new confirmed Sergeants and four acting Sergeants, eight new confirmed Corporals and four acting Corporals.

At the St Vincent and the Grenadines Coastguard Service, there is one new Acting Commander, one new acting Lieutenant Commander, one new acting Lieutenant, one new Sub-Lieutenant, one new Acting Sub-Lieutenant and one new Acting Chief Petty Officer.

With these new appointments and promotions, coupled with other members of this noble organization, I am confident that the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force will endeavour to transform itself into a more productive, effective, sensitive and caring Institution, as we continue to serve all the people of this Blessed Nation.

Crime Trends and Analysis

While our crime situation remains stable, our Nation has been experiencing an upsurge in certain categories of crimes, namely: Robberies and Burglaries. The criminals have become more brazen and are attacking citizens’ person and property, utilizing new tactics. The Police nonetheless remain resolved to vigorously carry out its mission, which in part is “to protect life and property; detect and prevent crimes and prosecute perpetrators of crimes”.

The criminals are not only attacking ordinary citizens, but Officers of the Law as well. So far, two Police Officers were cowardly shot by criminals; one of them was executing his sworn duty, while the other was resting at a Police compound, after concluding his tour of duty. I again publicly empathize with these Officers, their families and every other victim of crime in St Vincent and the Grenadines. I give the assurance that the Police will be resolute in their efforts to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice.

Police/Public Partnership

The Police cannot and will never be able to solve crimes alone. We need the full support of the general public to bolster our efforts to do so. That is why we have forged a partnership with members of the general public in this regard. To those citizens who have been assisting the Police to fight crimes, I say thank you; and to those who have not been so inclined as yet, as Commissioner of Police (Ag.), I urge you to join us in doing your civic duty as citizens.

The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force has been instrumental in assisting to form several Neighbourhood Watch Groups and other initiatives throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines and we will continue in that vain for the foreseeable future. We have to try and be our “brother’s keeper” once more. The criminals are networking; therefore, every law-abiding citizen must also work together with the Police to disrupt the criminals and bring them to justice.

Training and Development

Fellow citizens, over the last decade, there have been a visible paradigm shift in the Police Force with regard to education and training. Police Officers, with assistance from the Government and other Financial Institutions, have taken the initiative to pursue higher levels of education from O levels right up to Master’s Degrees, in various field of expertise. To date, there are over 27 University Graduates in the Police Force and several others are currently pursuing studies locally, regionally and internationally. I commend these Officers highly. I want to also encourage those Officers who have not taken up the opportunity for higher education and training to do so soonest, as the organization continues to modernize itself.

The organisation continues to provide the highest quality of training to its personnel. Training and development remains very critical to the effectiveness of the Police Force, therefore, every viable opportunity offered for same must be grasped.

New Initiatives

The Police Force is on a quest to provide better service to the citizens of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Our goal, as always, must be “to protect and serve” the general public. To this end, the organization has in recent past, introduced some new initiatives/programmes in the Force, with a view of maximizing efficiency and professionalism in the organization. I am pleased to announce the formation of the Sexual Offences Unit (SOU). This new Unit will deal with all the reported Sex Crimes throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Plans are also in the advanced stage, to form another specialized Unit call the “Crime Scene Investigations Unit (CSIU). There are presently two certified Crime Scene Investigators who were trained and certified at the National Security Training Academy and two more will soon receive certification in this field.

My fellow citizens, the Old Montrose Police Training School is now better equipped to train new Police Recruits. This is due to the development of a revised Police Recruit Training Syllabus for Member States of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Barbados. The initiative, which was commissioned by the Council of Ministers of National Security of the OECS, mandated the Training Institute of the Regional Security System (RSS) to synchronize Police Recruit Training in the OECS region. Consequently, every Police Recruit in the OECS will receive the same level and type of training when they enter Training School. The project was funded by the Canadian Government.


As I conclude, I want to thank the men and women of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force for performing their duties, sometimes in very difficult situations and I also want to thank their families for supporting them. Finally, to the general public, thank you once again for partnering with us to combat crimes. I give you the assurance that this partnership will continue to blossom and with the help of Almighty God and your constant assistance, the men and women under my command will endeavour to protect every citizen and visitor from crime, protect life and property, prevent and detect crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice. Happy Independence to all!

Thank you.