Dive ‘Into the Blue’ with Image junior models
Local Vibes
March 7, 2014

Dive ‘Into the Blue’ with Image junior models

After three years of being dormant, the Image Modelling Agency returns this weekend, on the eve of the 16th anniversary of its inception, with an aquatic themed extravaganza, featuring some of the most prominent local designers.{{more}}

“Into the Blue” is organized and choreographed by the head of the Image’s Junior Club, Janelle Humphrey, one of the agency’s longest serving models and trainers, having been with them from the inception, 16 years ago.

“I am ecstatic with the Image Modelling Agency reintroducing itself to the fashion industry,” said founder and manager Monique Arthur, who is also owner/manager of the Oasis Spa and Wellness Centre.

“Many persons throughout the years of our dormancy have stopped and asked me when we planned to return,” said Monique. “I simply smiled and quoted the words from the great Mick Jagger: “We never planned on returning to the scene because we haven’t left,” she said.

The agency said its Junior fashion show is an introduction to the many big things they wish to establish their presence with throughout 2014. They also plan to host a model call soon for models from age 16 up.

“Like a whale submerged in the depths of the ocean, bursting its surface at the most opportune time to its survival, the Image Modelling Agency resurfaces to dominate the fashion industry once more,” the agency said in a release.

“Into the Blue’’, takes place this Saturday, 8th March, from 6:30 p.m. at Peace Memorial Hall.