Eight beauties vie for Miss BCK crown
Local Vibes
May 28, 2010

Eight beauties vie for Miss BCK crown

Eight young women will vie for the title of Miss Bishop’s College Kingstown next Friday, June 4.{{more}}

The eight contestants are: Shannel Baker, Twana Clarke, Chayna Foster, Khadisha Smart, Evonnique Pierre, Timnisha Mathurin, Staffiesha Richards and Junica Duncan.

This year’s event promises to be one of the best, so says coordindator, Nicholas Bartholomew.

Bartholomew said that the pageant is part of a series of fund-raising activities that is being put on by the school. Part of their goal is to be able to purchase a photocopying machine and fund a project valued at over $30,000.

The show will see performances from Arabesque dancers, Alla-G, Cotton Candy, as well as other cultural items.

Music will be provided by a popular DJ.

The Show kicks off promptly at 6pm, at the School’s hard court.