Models posed on
Local Vibes
September 7, 2007

Models posed on

The rain stayed away- but the rain flies didn’t.

However, the thousands of uninvited and unwanted insects, which turned up at the Kingstown Cruise Ship Terminal for the 2007 edition of Fashion Caribbean, did not dampen the spirits of the hundreds of fashion fans or the Image models, who had waited a whole year for one of the most anticipated fashion events in the region.{{more}}

The trendiest styles from 14 fashion and jewelry designers from five Caribbean countries, including our very own Kimon Baptiste, Kimya Glasgow, Ingrid John and Shernicia Mayers, graced the catwalk on a gloomy Sunday afternoon that was lightened up by the smiles of the models and the wide eyed stares of both male and female patrons.

Despite a number of technical glitches earlier in the show (the loss of music during a number of displays), the models displayed a level of professionalism that impressed not only the audience, but also a number of designers and show organizers themselves.

The models stuck to their routines and kept their poses, apparently to a beat that was in their heads, as they displayed the styles of Martiniquans Flavio Elio and Sylvanie Godie, and from St. Kitts, Judith Rawlins’ Brown Sugar Designs.

The works of Mark Greene, Patricia Brathwaite, Kingsley Thorne and Mark Daniel, all of Barbados, were also elegantly displayed by the models, who had to battle for attention with the flies.

The flies, attracted by the bright flood lights, created a buzz as they swarmed not only the models, but patrons sitting closer to the front of the catwalk.

But despite the interruptions, the show went on, and the designs by Trinidadians Carron Jonas and Shaunelle Ramesar graced the catwalk for all to see.

Sunday’s event was well attended, and despite the hiccups, show organizer and Managing Director of Image Modeling Agency Monique Tash expressed satisfaction with the designs and her models, and said that fashion lovers can look forward to more events of that nature soon.

Tash said that there is the need for a location where events of this nature can take place without being hampered by nature.

The 2007 edition of Fashion Caribbean was sponsored by Digicel.