Kitchen Tips and Tricks
Kitchen Corner
August 30, 2022

Kitchen Tips and Tricks

I don’t know about you guys but with my busy schedule juggling so many things, its really important for me to do things that save time. With school opening soon it is even more of a necessity than ever. So I’m going to give you some of the kitchen tips and tricks that I use to help me get by.

Make things in bulk and freeze. One thing that I always have in my freezer is pancakes. I would make a double batch of pancakes, wait until they cool then put them in a ziplock bag or plastic wrap and freeze them. When I need to use any I just take out the amount I need, leave them to thaw a bit while I’m doing something else then I place them in the frying pan on low to heat up. You can microwave it as well (I generally don’t as the electricity bill is no joke). If you want to make it fancy, you can make flavoured pancakes by adding a few drops of the Mama’s food concentrate that is sold in the vegetable market. So if you’re feeling for some pistachio or even cheesecake flavoured pancakes you can get that right there.

Storing seasoned flour.

I normally make large batches of seasoned chicken and fish flour and store them in marked bags in the fridge. You can season your flour however you wish. It doesn’t go bad and stays fresh for as long as you need it. So when you need to fry some chicken or fish in a rush you can just grab your pre-prepped flour and fry away.

The fridge is your friend.

I normally store lots of things in the fridge such as pasta that is opened and even quaker oats. We all have suffered from the forgotten item in the back of the cupboard that has gotten weevil. Once these items are in the fridge and don’t get wet, they will never get those tiny little creatures. I would put them in a bag or seal the top of the bag/box and they stay there weevil free for months.

Make batches of dip and spreads to last.

My husband likes to make large batches of his favourite dip and store it in a container in the fridge so that way he doesn’t have to make over and over. We also do that with our daughter’s cinnamon spread which is just butter, a little sugar and some cinnamon mixed together.
You can place it on the bread face down in the frying pan on low to toast up, or you can simply use a toaster oven as well. So we would make the equivalent of about a 1 pound tub and it holds very well in the fridge to use as the weeks go by.
Give these tips a try and I’m sure they will really help you out.