Prayer for the Nation’s 41st Independent Birthday
Independence Messages
October 23, 2020

Prayer for the Nation’s 41st Independent Birthday

by Canon Dr. Phyllis Ralph Browne
St Mary’s (Mother Ralph) Baptist Church – Fountain

Lord God Almighty, you are the great Alpha, the Pantocrator Elohim. We, as a nation humbly approach your Holy Throne in prayer; bringing the many volumes of the Book written about us and our ancestors. God it was you, who placed our nation among the family of Independent Nations of the world. God, we give you praise and thanks for the outstanding men and women who fought for and served this Nation’s family with fortitude, tenacity, blood and sweat. God, as your word declares, ‘establish them and make them perfect’. God, for those who continue in the fight to be models of courage and fidelity, struggling, suffering, weeping and groaning; you have given them your assurance, that weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.

God, today we remember and thank you, for the ancient promise you pronounced upon Abraham and Sarah that through them, “all the Family of the earth will be blessed”. God almighty, let this blessing saturate our Family’s spiritual lives, bless our Family food baskets, bless our Family finances; let your blessings cover our Family when they go out and when they come in;. God, Bless our Family with good health and well-being. God, keep our Family secure from harm, violence and crime. God, remove every issue that weighs our Family down and empower us to pray, for the Family that prays together stays together.

Lord, our family/ the Nation of St. Vincent & the Grenadines have sinned. God, we have sinned against you. We have violated your precepts/word. We have treated our Family/fellowmen with disrespect and violence and we have even violated ourselves, dashing our honour, our respectability and responsibility to the ground. Lord Jesus, we have even smeared the beauty of our 41st independence celebration with the slimes of political hatred and fights. God, we stand before you accused, guilty as charged. God, we come together again today asking for your forgiveness. God, seek not to punish us accordingly but turn our hearts away from sin. Heavenly Father, we confess the sins of our ancestors and our parents, our children, the families of ecclesia/church, the government and opposition families, our relative’s families and the families of our friends and love ones.

Dear Father, we never presumed ourselves worthy to stand before your Holy presence making petitions on the behalf our families in this nation. Thank you Father that in spite of our many failures and the conglomeration of wrong things we have done, you still made us eligible to stand before a Holy God making our petition known to you. Thank you God for stopping by, when you saw us dying in our polluted blood, you send your Son as the substitutionary, sacrificial lamb to die so that we can live and out of your bountiful riches in glory, you gave us this wonderful privilege that we can stand in your Holy presence, covered in the victory of the blood of Jesus Christ, Halleluiah! God be praised! God be glorified!

God we bring before you, the many divergent challenges and storms the enemy orchestrated to threaten the life of our Nation’s Family, including Covid 19, Dengue infection and the upcoming General Election. Mighty God, your revelatory word reveals that “no weapon formed against your children shall prosper and every tongue that is risen up against them in judgement shall be condemned.” God in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, we take authority over every communicable, non- communicable, Chronic and non-chronic disease and we cancel them out now. God, we cover every access or portals of entry of these diseases and we destroy/kill by fire every harmful virus, bacteria and fungus lingering among the life of our Family, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, we shatter and disintegrate by the fire of the Holy Ghost, every wicked scheme or plan that the enemy staged against our Nation’s Family; God, uproot and dismantle every evil secret plan devised to intimidate , or intended to hurt our Family. God, in the spirit of Daniel your prophet, reveal every evil secret that has caused harm or intend to harm our Family; for God you are a God that revealeth secrets. God, let the perpetrators of these evils be confounded. God, let them be put to shame and let the Angel of the Lord prosecute them.

Heavenly Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, we come up against every false conflict of hatred and malice and injury and murder inflicted upon this nation’s Family. Father God, remove by the fire of the Holy Ghost every satanic and witchcraft plots orchestrated against our families in the Mighty name of Jesus! God, remove every demonic altars that has been erected through our bloodline and in churches; In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, we smash to pieces every Satanic altar and crystal ball. God, In the Mighty Name of Jesus dismantle the demonic throne of every divinator, enchanter, voodoo priest and priestess, obeahman and woman and their demonic influences over our families in this nation.

Father today we pronounced blessings on the Family of our nation and we break every demonic curse/spell! Hallelujah. God, cause your face to shine your Shekinah glory upon us and grant to us your peace in Jesus Mighty name. Amen! Contact 456 2874 for prayer.