In Memoriam – Tia Maria Daniel Clarke
In Memoriam/Acknowledgement
December 15, 2023

In Memoriam – Tia Maria Daniel Clarke

Tia Maria Daniel Clarke
Sunrise: Apr. 4, 1962 – Sunset: Nov. 9, 2018
Arrel Agath Daniel nee Glasgow
Sunrise: Mar. 30, 1941 – Sunset: Dec. 8, 2018

Five years have passed but they seem like five days. We’ve come to realise that one’s grief never really ends, but rather comes in ebbs and flows. Today, you seem okay and tomorrow you are overwhelmed for no
apparent reason, just simply thinking of your loss.

Dear Mom and Sister we continue to honour your memory. Every day there’s a poignant reminder, a memory, something that jolts us into the reality that you are no longer with us, at least not in the flesh.

The double pain, one after the other, we will always feel not only when November 9 and December 8 roll around. We remember you both with love and fond
memories- Daddy too, whose celestial birthday is just around the corner on December 16.

Continue to RIEP, mummy dearest, sister and Daddy too.

“Death can take away the person, but never the love—they live on in the legacy of our hearts.”