In Memoriam – Austin
In Memoriam/Acknowledgement
August 6, 2021

In Memoriam – Austin

In loving Memory of
Austin E.L. Quamina
aka Soffie
of Arnos Vale/Walvaroo formerly of Chateaubelair
who died August 3, 2020.

The Master Called
I’m sorry I had to leave you; My loved ones, oh so dear.
But you see the Master called me, His voice was very clear!
I had made my reservation, a heaven bound ticket for one,
And I knew that He would call me, when he felt my work was done.
I know that your hearts are heavy, because I have gone away,
But when the master called me, I knew that I could not stay.
Yes I’m sorry I had to leave you, My loved ones oh so dear.
But you see the Master called me and, now I’m resting here.
Yes I’ve crossed on over to glory, And to you all I say,
Just stay in the hands of Jesus, and we’ll meet again someday.
Missed by loving wife, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sisters, relatives and friends.
Sleep on my lov