In Memoriam
In Memoriam/Acknowledgement
October 6, 2017

In Memoriam

Agassi Maurizio Fraser

In loving memory of Agassi Maurizio Fraser, who passed away on

8th October, 2009.


It’s that time of the year again

When nothing seems real

And the only way to see you

Is in memories

And in our dreams.

It’s that time of year

When we

Sit in silence

Wondering of, thinking of the

Why and what could have been,

With tears in our eyes,

Anger in our hearts

And no words to describe

Just how much we really miss you.


It’s that time of year

That resembles a ticking bomb,

Just there awaiting the time and hour

To go off to give us that timely reminder that you are not here,
a reminder that only makes it just a little harder each time it comes around.

It’s just that time of year,

my dear son, brother, uncle, cousin and friend, when the memory of how you tried to make everyone happy and that joyful soul you walked around with is the thing that keeps us going, keeps us smiling.

We miss you so much,

But we are so blessed

To have had you in our lives…

Sadly missed by mother, father, sister, brother, niece, nephew, aunts,uncles, grandfather, other relatives and friends. May you continue to rest peacefully in God’s hands.