Hey Rosie!
January 7, 2022

Smitten with my best friend’s cousin

Hey Rosie,

I went to my Bff’s birthday party and I met her cousin who came in from out of town. He is gorgeous ! We hit it off immediately ! We danced exclusively all night , he was very funny , attentive and our chemistry was unbelievable. We then hung out for 3 more days before he went back home. We didn’t have sex, but we had a great time if you catch my drift! Anyway , we are considering pursuing this “energy”. He lives over 1000 miles away, single with no children and has a great job. Rosie what is wrong with him ? I’m afraid. I know it’s just a visit , but I can’t believe he’s not taken yet . Should I try?

Scared and excited

Dear Scared and Excited,

Wow ! This sounds so exciting ! I love when I hear about an instant attraction, that is something you can’t deny .

My friend, you can never gauge when a relationship will fall into your lap. It would seem like an interesting one has landed on yours. I know that you are very cautious because you are waiting for the other show to fall, but I am
saying , ‘go for it ‘!

Look, do all of your due diligence; talk to his family and friends . Google him for prior records etc. (yup I would do that ), have many phone conversations with him and continue to get to know one another as much as possible .
Once you feel more comfortable, go take a quick trip there to see him in his environment, that would teach you a lot more as well.

Take the leap of faith , especially if the voice is pushing you that way. Be careful and smart . I hope you find true love .


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines