He wants us to hit it off right away
Hey Rosie!
October 29, 2021

He wants us to hit it off right away

Hey Rosie,

Hi Rosie,
I always like to read the advice that you give to people who have various questions. I am living over-seas. One day I was walking the street, and this guy pass me, then he called to me, and asked if am from Triny. I told him am from Vincy. We chatted for a while. He said he is from B’dos etc. He said he just sees me, and know within himself, am a good woman. We exchange nos.He has asked me to be his woman/wife.
I told him lets be friends, and see where it will lead. But he wants for us to hit it off right away. His wife has passed away a couple years now.
How do you think I should go about doing this? I do not have a man in my life at present.


Hi Amazed

Ok this is a different. Not the part where a guy sees an attractive woman and wants to introduce himself.  Not the part where he wants to talk to her to get to know her.  Not the part where he tells her that he thinks she’s attractive. But the part where he’s like a runaway horse from the Garrison Savannah where he wants to settle down and make her his one and only!

 Like you (a woman with obvious common sense) you said to yourself, “self what is going on here?”  Even though he seems nice, something doesn’t add up here.  If you said this you would be very right.  It’s either one of two things.  He is lonely after the passing of his wife and is on the hunt for a replacement and you are the wonderful contestant at the moment.  Or he is running some serious game!
 I am frankly very proud of the fact that you are taking the time to sift through what’s going on here.  Sometimes as single women we take the first offer that is presented to us, even though we know it’s not right.  Look, who knows, he may be the one.  But there is no way that it would be revealed in this manner.  If he has some of the attributes that you find redeeming, explore a friendship and then a possible relationship. But by no means should you join this runaway stallion, because you will regret it at this pace.

 Also if he is still dealing with the sad passing of his wife encourage him to seek some sort of counseling and give him his space.  He needs to heal first.  So yes m’am I am amazed right along with you.  Continue to wear your “thinking hat”.  Be safe.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines