My hubby and his ex are too tight; I am not comfortable
Hey Rosie!
March 13, 2020
My hubby and his ex are too tight; I am not comfortable

Hello Rosie,

I have a pet peeve with my hubby and his ex. He and his ex are close as hell! Rosie, they have to touch base for at least two hours every week. They share all of the happenings, they argue, they have their own inside jokes and their bond is undeniable! I’ve resigned myself to the fact that it is what it is, but I can’t help but be irritated sometimes, because I think this goes way past the realm of normal. Don’t you agree? My hubby however says that he is thankful that I don’t take it personally (but I really am). Help me, please.

In The Middle

Hello In the Middle,

This one is a sticky one! I can safely say that I wouldn’t be 100 percent comfortable with this relationship either. So I’m feeling your frustrations.

I am very friendly with a couple of my exes. So much so it confuses people, but in my case I consider them family. But that took many years of communication, respect and genuine admiration. However, if my husband ever came to me and said he was uncomfortable

with the depth of the friendship, I would have to take his request under serious consideration.

I think this is what you may have to do yourself. Explain to him that you are respectful of their relationship, but you are also uncomfortable with particular aspects of their interaction – be very clear as to why it bothers you.

Be open to having an honest exchange and to compromise as well. However, no marriage is perfect, it requires a LOT of continuous work. So go forward lightly and with love, I feel as though you can get your point across and still have a successful outcome. Good luck!


● Send questions to Rosie at: or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines