Friend borrowed $4,000 for medical emergency, but he bought a new  car and wouldn’t repay me
Hey Rosie!
May 31, 2019
Friend borrowed $4,000 for medical emergency, but he bought a new car and wouldn’t repay me

Dear Rosie,

My friend owes me money for the past five months. To top it off, he went and bought a new car last week and I still haven’t seen or heard of my money. This man borrowed $4,000 from me because of a medical emergency, but now I am realising this was a lie. So now he’s living it up and I would like to get my funds back. What should I do? I’m fuming over here!


Dear Vexed,

Wow! I’d be a little tight too! It would seem as though you are being disrespected and you are going to have to put an end to that.

Listen, let me get to the point, you will have to pull him aside and ask him about getting repaid. Don’t call him out about him possibly lying to you about the reason for the loan, because at the end of the day that has already past.

If he has major delay tactics give him a deadline to produce the money. If he can’t afford to pay it back at once give him a payment plan. If he is NOT complying at all and you REALLY want your money back, get a lawyer.

By the way, you never mentioned anything about a certain deadline or giving him any reminders in regards to paying you back. In the future, if you ever do this again – think three times about being so generous. You should also have a written contract in terms of a repayment plan. I truly wish you the best, because it may get dicey and you can have a strain put on your friendship. However, you have every right to approach him about being repaid. Good luck!


Send questions to Rosie at: or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines