Hey Rosie!
October 19, 2018

I have a very lazy daughter

I HAVE A very lazy daughter. She’s in her early 20s and does absolutely nothing around the house. She has been doing her own thing for years and no matter how many times I’ve asked her to pitch in to help out she never has. My other kids are pretty decent and she’s the middle one. They cover and pick up the slack for her.What should I do? She says to me she’s only 21 and she doesn’t get the pressure!

Lazy Kid

Dear Lazy Kid,

Yes ma’am, we as parents own one of these kids during some point in our careers as parents and it can be very frustrating! Fear not, they will leave the roost and somehow thrive quite nicely too.

At the end of the day this adult child knows the right thing to do and simply chooses NOT to. We as parents also enable these behaviours, because we end up doing the chore or task anyway – does this sound familiar?

So my question is, what are you going to do differently? If you are going to continue

to hold her hand, then don’t complain. I would stop doing stuff for her completely, including cooking as well. I would stress to her siblings to do the same. Let her see what type of “pressure” it is to be a responsible adult. Good luck!

● Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines