Hey Rosie!
March 16, 2018

I haven’t caught him yet, but I think my fiancé is cheating

Hey Rosie,

I think my fiancé is cheating; I’ve not caught him yet, but I think that he is seeing another girl who lives in another town and his family is covering for him.

Rosie, when I call him, his phone goes to voice mail and then like magic his brother or uncle would call back and say that he’s driving and can’t talk, or he’s in a meeting, or his phone just died. Then it would take hours for him to call me back.

We argue all the time, because I tell him that he and his family are all shady. He says that I am paranoid and shady. The kicker is I can’t prove it and I am unhappy, I am even contemplating to break off the engagement. Do you think I’m nuts?


Dear Help,

I can see this is eating you up! Especially when you are getting sketchy responses from your fiancé and his family. But, as you know, the ball is in your court, so what are you going to do?

Imagine you aren’t even married yet and this is already a huge bone of contention in your relationship. You are the one who will have to decide what your next move will be. Even though you have no proof, I think there are other underlying issues going on in your relationship and the lack of the trust factor is just highlighting your anxieties.

Please have a real conversation with yourself about what is bothering you and then when you’ve come to a decision, sit your boo down and be real about what you’ve decided to do. Doubt, fears, infidelity, lies and deceit are not good bricks to build a new foundation for your future.

I truly wish you the best in deciding where you go from here.  Listen to your inner voice; it never leads you astray.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines