Hey Rosie!
March 2, 2018

I’m so angry with him

Hey Rosie,

I hope you are well. I found a message from my boyfriend of one year to another girl, who had sent him a pic of her privates and he responded with “Nice pics. Still hairy”.

I found it disgusting and disrespectful. We are both 50 years old, so mature adults, not teenagers looking for fun. I packed my bags and walked out. He’s now telling me he knows it was a stupid comment and wants me back, telling me he loves me and wants me to move in with him. I don’t know if I can trust him now. Feeling very torn. At this point I’m so angry with him. What do you think?


 Hello Angry,

Yes, I would be very “tight” too! That is a huge betrayal and you should be given the opportunity to go through the range of emotions that you are feeling now – without the pressure to forgive and move on quickly.

Listen, I know that at 50 we would hope this type of drama wouldn’t be happening in our lives, but unfortunately in the wake of so much technology of: Instant Messaging, Facetiming, Whatsapping, social media and the list goes on and on, you can’t even keep up sometimes.  Don’t settle; that is my message to you today.

Look, if he is truly remorseful, has other redeeming qualities and you feel in your soul that this “southern exposure” he did was a slip of some good common sense, then maybe you can BOTH seek some intensive therapy before moving back together.

However, remember this type of behaviour can lead to bigger indiscretions, such as: cheating, stalking, diseases, a baby and the list can go on and on. Do you need all of that? Again, if you think this was temporary insanity going on, you can try to work it out. But if your gut tells you otherwise do as our old folks would say, “Pick up you Georgie bundle and RUN!”.

I wish you the best,


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines.