Hey Rosie!
January 12, 2018

My brother always wants money, but never pays me back

Hey Rosie,

 I just have a small gripe. Whenever my brother calls me with an urgent request for money, I would reach out to help him, even if I am hesistant. Rosie, he doesn’t pay me back! There is always some hard luck story and I am so done!  He owes me, over the last two years, over six thousand dollars, Rosie! 

The straw that finally broke the camel’s back for me was that he was crying that things were so hard, but he then announces that he and his girlfriend are going on an expensive cruise! When I asked him what about the last set of money I lent him, he said that he is good for it. I am so done! Can I just cut him off completely, because I feel so disrespected? I know he will be back and I will say no; help me here, Rosie I am so upset right now.



Hello Disrespected,

 I really do feel for you; family can truly take advantage of your kindness and loyalty.  But I think it’s the dawning of a new day in your world.

If he comes back to you for another loan the answer is, “no”, plain and simple. Don’t let him use any emotional tactics. I think he knows that you are a generous person and he figures he can depend on that fact.  But it’s time to show him that enough is enough and you aren’t in the mood for any of his antics.

Sometimes, we have to walk away from those who have no regard for our feelings or good intentions.  I would even take it a step further and start asking him to repay you for all of the other money that he owes you.  This is so ridiculous and I really feel for you. So, every time he comes for another loan, I’d ask, “when am I getting my other money that I loaned you?.”  He would quickly get the message that the money train has stopped.

Don’t let his bad behaviour turn you off from loving him as a brother, but you aren’t his banker either.

Good luck!


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines.