Hey Rosie!
October 26, 2017

I always forgive my cheating bf. I need advice

Hey Rosie,

It have this guy, we together for about eight years and I have a son and also had a miscarriage for this guy. He cheats on me over and over and I always forgive him. I am not talking about once or twice, it’s multiple times and I keep forgiving. I’ve had enough, but I always go back to him. I don’t know why, because he treats me so badly, he doesn’t care and he has no respect, but yet I go back. Please, I need your advise here.


Hello my dear,

 You are at a true crossroads and I am here to encourage you to take back the control in your life.  It isn’t too late to step into your best life , but maybe you are holding your own self back.

Listen, your “guy” sounds like he’s a piece of work, no one deserves this type of crappy treatment. But guess what? You can walk away for GOOD, however, YOU must take responsibility for your role in this toxic dynamic.  

You can both co-parent your son together and learn the best way to communicate properly for benefit of your son.

Always remember, there is no need to sell yourself short by dealing with a person who cheats, has no respect for you and the list goes on; you should really seek some form of counseling to help you rebuild your self esteem.

Please know that you can do this and you will be stronger for it in the long run. The unknown is scary, but achievable.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines