Hey Rosie!
September 22, 2017

I love women, regardless of colour, size or religion; but I am married

Hey Rosie,

What can I say – I love women! I don’t care colour, size or religion. I find women exciting and I can’t stop chasing them. They love me chasing them too! 

It takes nothing for me to start a conversation over something really trivial and before you know it, we are exchanging numbers. Sometimes we even go out too. The problem with all this fun is that I have a beautiful wife of five years.  She knows that I’m a flirt, but she doesn’t know that I am also messing around too.  

How can I stop this? She doesn’t deserve this at all. What should I do? I really can’t help myself.


Dear Help,

Somehow, I’m really not believing you at all. I think you quite like your complicated life of infidelity. Your letter sounds more along the lines of bragging than looking for a way to fix your issues.

Let me also co-sign with the fact that your wife of only five years truly doesn’t deserve this nonsense! If you want to stop, then just STOP! You are fully aware of why this is wrong. You are a cheater and that isn’t right.

Why did you get married to begin with? You are going to run into a very dire situation and you will not be able to talk your way out of it.  

Please get help; then decide what you are going to do and make it happen. Being a Casanova really is over-rated and in poor taste. So, just stop it now!


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines