Hey Rosie!
September 1, 2017

What can I do about a creepy guy in my building who scares me?

Hey Rosie.

In my building there is this creepy guy who keeps looking at me, winking and calling out to me. I get really scared when I come in from class at night. I am 17 and he looks about 30. I’ve told my parents and my brothers. My bigger brother and Dad want to go and talk to him, but I begged them not to, because I think it will end in a fight. Yesterday, he came walking towards me and I took off in another direction. I don’t know what floor he is on, but it is like he’s waiting for me.  What can I do?

Creeped out

Dear Creeped out,

This is stalking, plain and simple! You are going to have to get the authorities involved and the management of your building too. For all you know, this fool may be doing this to other women as well and he should be stopped before it goes any further.

Maybe in the meantime, see if you can have a buddy system in place with your schedule. So, maybe one brother can always meet you after class, so you aren’t alone? You can have this in place until the authorities apprehend him and question him about his unsavoury behaviour.  

Also your building may have cameras in the lobby seeing that you really don’t know him, so you can point him out and share it with the police as well.  I think it is sad when women, and men as well, have to live in fear because they are being harassed or stalked.  However, always stay in a group, just like you did tell your parents or loved ones and above all REPORT them.  I know it is scary, but be strong; you are doing the right thing!

Be safe!
