Hey Rosie!
August 25, 2017

I want to move on, but I might still be in love with my ex

Hey Rosie,

My last relationship ended over three years ago and I’ve been single since then. My ex and I were together for over five years and he cheated on me; that’s why we broke up. Funnily enough, he is single as well and we are still good friends and hang out sometimes as well. He said that he still loves me and no one else has come close to how he feels about me.  I think I may secretly be hoping that we do get back together, but I can’t trust him either. Help me, Rosie, I feel stuck!  I want to move on, but I am still with my ex, it seems.

Old Flame

Dear Old Flame,

You have hit the nail on the head perfectly! You are still emotionally caught up with your ex and this is causing you not to move forward. You have to make some major decisions here in order not to be so unhappy.

If you are both having flirtatious conversation, going back and forth about the past, along with talking about still being in love – I have to say it isn’t healthy. You said you can’t trust him anymore, therefore how are you ever going to meet new people and exciting opportunities if you keep playing with your ex in the past?

I am not saying that being friends with your ex is a bad thing, but I have to tell you that you also have to move forward and create a new normal for yourself, which shouldn’t involve him as much. You have the world at your feet; don’t be afraid to explore, date, have fun and see what else is there to be experienced.

One small side note: sometimes we revisit what is comfortable to us, even though it’s not good for us. So, decide if you are REALLY ready to move forward to make a new and healthy beginning for yourself.

Good luck!
