Hey Rosie!
June 23, 2017

My sister betrayed me to the bone

Hey Rosie,

I just found out that my sister is seeing my ex and she started seeing him when we were dating.  I can’t believe that my sister did that to me.  That kind of back-stabbing move has betrayed me to the bone.  Even my mom is so upset with her.  She is still seeing him; they have been going out for over 10 months now and I can’t even be in the same room with her, because I am so upset!  I don’t want him, but I also don’t want them together.  What should I do? 

Help Me

 Hello Help Me,

I do get it!  Betrayal is the worst, even more so being betrayed by your sister? Now, that is downright terrible!

Ok, let’s cut to the chase… you are going to have to take a few moments for yourself to work out the anger and bad feelings you are obviously going through towards your sister.  You guys sound young too and I want to reassure you that time does heal wounds. I am NOT saying that you will forget this mess, but it will dull over time.

Secondly, you, your mom and sister will all have to sit down one day to have a real conversation about how disappointed you all are with her actions.  You will have to re-establish what is deemed to be acceptable actions in your family and how you would approach difficult conversations with each other going forward in the future.

Finally, remember, no man should ever be allowed to place a wedge between you and your blood… NEVER! You have all right to be upset, but know that as family, you must work hard to get over it as well; never let an outsider divide and conquer. 

I truly wish you the best in resolving this painful hurdle.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines