Hey Rosie!
June 9, 2017

My third form sister has fallen in love with our neighbour and I’m worried

Hey Rosie,

My sister has fallen in love with this boy, our neighbour. She is a third form student and I am worried. I am in third form too. I don’t trust that boy. As a matter of fact, she shouldn’t be thinking about love at this stage, because in my mind, we are too small.

The boy has been feeling her up when we go over there and telling me to watchman and see if anyone is coming. I do look out, because I don’t want anyone to be vexed with me. She feels uncomfortable… she tells me that, but she doesn’t want to get upset. Should I confront the boy, or should I tell mommy? And if I do, everybody is gonna say I love talk. 


Dear Confused,

Let me say that I too am very confused! You and your sister are both in 3rd Form; she has a boy who is also about the same age. They are involved in some heavy petting and you act as a lookout for them? There are so many things wrong here that I don’t know where to begin.

Why are you acting as the “watchman” as this boy feels up your sister? I mean, really now? Is that right? Nope!

Secondly your sister says that she is uncomfortable with this heavy petting and sexual activity she’s doing and you aren’t saying “STOP or I’ll tell?” You have to decide how you are going to look out for your sister.  No boy or girl can come between your sister and her safety.

If I were you, I would sit your sister down and tell her straight up that you don’t like being put in the middle of this mess and if she doesn’t cut it out, you are going to tell.  Give her fair warning. Then, if she doesn’t come to her senses, warn her the last time about WHOM you are going to tell, so there aren’t any surprises. Then follow through. 

This is a dangerous game that you ALL are playing and I am telling you that it is not going to end well! This level of sexual activity and secrecy shouldn’t be happening, so do the right thing, my young friend.  Good luck.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152,Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines