Hey Rosie!
April 21, 2017
Scared that my current relationship wouldn’t last

Hey Rosie,

I am seeking your genuine opinion and advice for a situation I am currently in. I have been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for just over a year and it has been a wonderful experience, despite the constant arguments about basic behavioural problems on both sides. However, it is important to note how we got together in the first place. I was in a relationship with an obsessive young man and decided to move on with my current boyfriend behind his back. Nonetheless, it officially ended terribly with him and his family attacking me and my female friends on social media. Anyway, I was able to move on with my life and build a foundation with my current partner, but I’ve always heard that the bad things you sow always follow you. Could it be possible that my current relationship could be jeopardized because of how harshly I treated my ex?


Hello Curious,

I totally get why you are a tad apprehensive in terms of jinxing your current relationship, but I think you should relax and go a little easy on yourself.

Listen, we all make mistakes; sometimes it’s the person that we choose, or an action taken etc. The real lesson becomes what do we take away from our life experiences? So, things didn’t end well with your ex and upon reflection you realize that you wish that you had handled it differently, which shows growth.

So, enjoy your new relationship; don’t look back at what could have been; be respectful and embrace this new journey.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines