Hey Rosie!
January 27, 2017
I caught my cousin’s girlfriend cheating. Should I tell?

Hey Rosie,

I am stuck in this middle of a lie. I know that my best friend is cheating on her boyfriend and her boyfriend is also my cousin. I know you are going to say that I should tell my cousin because he is family, but she is also a really close friend since childhood. I caught her about two weeks ago; she was at an out of the way bar where she thought no one would know her and I went off on her! I told her that I can’t believe that she would do that to my cousin and I was going to tell him! She begged me not to and said that she had made a mistake and would break it off. I don’t know what to do because how do I know that she did break it off? Should I tell my cousin? Or should I believe that she will do the right thing because she loves him?

Stuck in the middle

Dear stuck in the middle,

Well, I must say that my initial thought was that if it were me, I would tell my cousin because he IS family; but I do understand that you have a lot of loyalty to your best friend because she is like family to you. At the end of the day you must deal with your own conscience with regard to what you can live with.

Now, can you say with all confidence that your friend isn’t still playing both sides of the fence? I mean she went out of the way to have her secret rendezvous and was surprised to see you; that screams major deception to me, aka creeping. Then, there is your clueless cousin, who doesn’t deserve to be cheated on by someone he obviously trusts. If she is not happy, then she should call it a day. Sometimes we

outgrow our relationships and that is quite alright too. What is not alright is to cheat.

So, I am asking you to dig deep and do the right thing. You can give your friend the courtesy of letting her know that she can come clean, or you are going to let him know. Or you can deal with your conscience and be silent. Just remember what happens in the dark comes to the light. However, I hope your cousin doesn’t find out you were playing with the light switch.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines