Hey Rosie!
December 16, 2016
How to shine in your holiday job

Hey Rosie,

I am a 29-year-old divorced, single mother of a baby who is under a year old. Rosie, I have a great support system, but I have no family where I live, so my friends have become my family. My job offered me a fantastic opportunity for a promotion and growth, but in another state where I do not know one soul.My parents offered to have me send my son to them for a year until I am settled, but I don’t like the idea of being away from him for that long. {{more}} My mother said that I am not thinking clearly and I should grab the opportunity; she said I can make trips to see my son, but I am not happy that he will not be with me; what should I do?


Dear Sad,

Yes, this decision can rip your heart apart as a mother. What to do? This one is difficult, but it can be done and done right as well.

Let me say that you are so blessed to have parents who are willing to step in to help you stabilize and get on your feet. Not many people would have such a generous option. After making a list of all your pros and cons, I personally would do it. That is just my opinion. If your parents are good and decent people, who can give your son the attention, care and love that he needs, this may be something to consider.

If this opportunity is as fantastic as you are saying, you will be networking, growing and learning more about your new position, surroundings and amenities to help concrete an even better future when your son does come back to live with you. Now, if this is something that you can’t come to terms with, you wouldn’t be wrong either. Just make sure you come to a place of peace that you made the right decision for you and him, no matter what your final decision is.

I wish you the very best, no matter your choice.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines