Hey Rosie!
February 5, 2016
My family does not support my career choice. What should I do?

Hello Rosie,

My question is really quick I would like to become an engineer, but my family would like me to do law. They said law would be easier in the long run for me to get a job and there are not many women in engineering. What should I do?{{more}}


Hello Confused,

Good for you that you are so focused on your education; I am very happy to hear this! Please do not be confused, this is 100 per cent your choice and no one else’s.

It is unfair as parents to push our children in a direction that WE want our children to go. If you have a passion in a particular area, you should be allowed the opportunity to pursue it all the way. Trying to please others really is not the answer. You would only become resentful and frustrated because it is not the vision of the future you had in mind.

Finally, please know that women are working in every field imaginable these days. In fact, I have a few good friends who are engineers and enjoy it thoroughly. Follow your heart’s desires; also sit down and explain to your parents that this is your dream, which you intend to be successful in.

Good luck!


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines