Hey Rosie!
December 11, 2015
My mum doesn’t trust my weed-smoking boyfriend

Hey Rosie,

I am having some problems with my boyfriend and my mom. We are both 17 and have been dating for about two years now. Both of our families are friends and used to get along really well. The problem is that my boyfriend is now smoking a lot of weed and is messing up in college; his parents are upset and my mom doesn’t want me to talk to him anymore. She is afraid that he would make me do drugs, or I would get hurt with him when he is driving.{{more}} But Rosie, I keep telling her that I am not dumb, that I can take care of myself. But she doesn’t trust him at all. She even told his parents that she wants him to stay away from me and that has started a whole other problem. How can I get her to see that I am fine and he will not hurt me?


Dear Broken,

Unfortunately I have to agree with most of what your mother is saying at this point. Your boyfriend is heading down a very self-destructive path and this is not going to help either your emotional state or your relationship in the long run.

Look, I know you love your boyfriend and he might be a great person, but at the moment he is battling some serious issues and you are not equipped to help him. The fact that it is taking a toll on his education and causing a strain with his family should let you know that he has to come to terms quickly with this weed smoking before it potentially leads to more drugs.

I am not saying that he can’t be your friend, but this may be a case where you can support him doing the right thing, but from a distance. It is also VERY DANGEROUS to get into a car with someone who is high. That is right up there with drinking and driving, that person is impaired and is not in their right frame of mind.

Your boyfriend needs drug counselling and maybe even rehab. Some people laugh because they say, “it’s just weed,” but guess what, it can become the gateway to more drugs and even mental instability. Listen to your mother; this is a good case of loving from a distance, because this is way bigger than you.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines