Hey Rosie!
November 6, 2015
I was played by my ‘boy’ – he wanted my girlfriend all along!!

Hey Rosie,

My story is a little different; it’s more like a warning to the fellas out there, because I was played by my boy and didn’t even realize it until it was too late. He kept coming back and telling me that my girl was with other men and cheating on me. I kept accusing her and she kept telling me that it wasn’t the truth. So, finally I believed him and cheated on her. The problem was that I got the other young lady pregnant.{{more}} When my girlfriend found out she couldn’t forgive me and left me. Rosie, do you know the same boy was the one who is now dating my ex and they just got engaged? It was all a lie; he wanted her all along! We actually came to blows about a year ago when I really found out his ulterior motives; so, now I don’t talk to either of them. Him I can’t stand and her, I can’t look at.


Dear Betrayed,

Well, I am sorry to hear about the twists and turns in your love life that have led you to this very unhappy spot right now. But it looks like you really dropped the bone for the shadow.

Your “boy” really did play you and thank you for sharing your story too. Not many men would do this, because they would be too ashamed; but this is a real situation and should be addressed accordingly. So many people in this life are jealous of others. Sometimes, we don’t even think we have anything for someone to be jealous of, but it becomes very evident that their actions and statements show us otherwise; it can be confusing at first, but take heed to the signs before you; they are revealing their true colours.

When it comes to a relationship it is best not to let too many people poke their noses into your business. The two people in it are the decision makers, no one else. If someone in the relationship feels threatened, mistreated, doubtful or unhappy, it is up to that person to make that decision to leave or get help. Don’t listen to others; you should investigate for yourself and also know the person that you are with; that is where trust is built. Unfortunately, you were the one that got caught and now your whole outlook has changed in a direction you didn’t foresee. To me, it sounds like you really had deep feelings for your ex and it’s difficult to face her. At this stage you will have to let the past go and concentrate on being a good father to your child. Also fighting your friend makes no sense, because the wolf came out of his sheep’s clothing and was revealed; so, move on; what is done is done.

Hopefully, in the future you will have more discernment to recognize when someone is blowing smoke your way. Life’s lesson learned. I wish you better success going forward.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152,
Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines