Hey Rosie!
August 21, 2015

My ‘cool’ boyfriend lies a lot

Hey Rosie,

Thank you for your weekly advice which I look forward to reading. Mine is simple. I have a very cool boyfriend and we have finished community college and will be entering university this term. We have great friends and all is well, except for the fact that he lies about simple things. Like all the exotic places he’s been and I know it isn’t true. Or how much money his family has. Or even his grades! Why Rosie? It is so ridiculous!{{more}} Even some of our friends talk and laugh behind his back. I’ve confronted him about it, but he still wouldn’t own up to it. What should I do? We are going to different schools in different places, so I will not see him as often. I don’t want to lose him as a friend, but I can see this getting old real fast.


Hello Tired,

Thank you for being a loyal reader; I do appreciate it. It seems even though your boyfriend is a great guy, he suffers from an inferiority complex. That’s the only thing that I can think of when someone goes to that extreme to make themselves look larger in the eyes of others.

So, what can you do? Well, you did the right thing to confront him about these “tall tales.” I also get the impression that you consider him a close friend as well – we all need that in this life. But guess what? There is NOTHING that you can do. He will have to do some serious self-searching about this shortcoming. Once HE realizes that HE has to do something about it, then you will see change.

More than likely he will have a major life changing experience where he is called out publicly for lying and then he will have no other choice but to deal with the repercussions. I really do wish you all the very best in your future educational pursuits. I am sure you all will be very successful. Remember your boyfriend is going to have to be answerable for all of his deceit and lies.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com

or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines