Hey Rosie!
February 27, 2015

I’m really lonely and would love to meet my soulmate

Hey Rosie,

I am so lonely I don’t know what to do. I have a great family, great career and I have accomplished a lot in my 29 years. But, the one thing is that I have never made that connection with a man. I have great guy friends, who tell me that I am really nice and they don’t know why I am not off the market, but I think they are being kind. I know that I tend to talk a lot and I have strong opinions on many topics. So, I think that maybe that’s why I always end up in the friend zone. I am thinking about doing online dating? What do you think, Rosie? I am really lonely and would love to meet my soulmate.{{more}}

Needing Love

Dear Needing Love,

Let me encourage you and let you know that you are not alone; keep the faith, my friend, this love thing can be a major challenge, even for those of us who are in everyday relationships.

You have a good approach about life, it seems, and I think once you remove a lot of the self-imposed pressure to meet your “soulmate” then things will start to fall into place. A relationship is not like getting an education or a career, where you can set goals and then it’s achieved at the projected time. It takes chemistry, mutual respect and interest, along with hard work. If you want to look at the online dating sites feel free, but be very careful. There are a lot of duds there too (some who are already taken too), so be careful.

I would join a volunteer group; maybe if you have the opportunity to travel with your friends, you will meet other young people as well. But remember to dial back the “chitty chatty” and actively learn to listen as well. You will get to know the person a bit more and see if there are any commonalities between you. Most of all RELAX! When you focus on something this hard, it becomes very difficult to attain. Your Mr Right awaits you. Just take your time and be careful along your journey.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com

or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines.