Hey Rosie!
January 2, 2015

I am lost, hurt and tired. I just can’t seem to get over my ex

Hey Rosie,

I really need your help. I am lost, hurt and tired. Here is my story.

I am 18 years old, a second year student at college, and I have very high ambitions.

My problem is that I’ve been stuck on a man whom I’ve been with for two years. He took my virginity away from me. Rosie, I really love this guy and now we broke up I can’t seem to get past him and move on with my life. We broke up early in this year.{{more}} I know that I am young and there are a lot of guys out there who would love to be with me. He says that my mom is the reason why we broke up and I don’t want to put the blame on her because she is my mom, but I know my mom did some things that weren’t right…Rosie, during this break-up, we still spoke and we still had intimacy; we still proclaimed the love we have for each other… Some of my friends say that he’s just taking advantage of my love, and I agree with them. Rosie, I want to move on with my life and put everything behind me that happened this year, but it’s hard. I want tell him that either I move on with him and put everything behind us, or I will just move on and leave him in the past. I’ve recently started to talk to someone and I really like this person.

Please Help Me

Dear Please Help Me,

I am sorry to hear about your break-up and how much it is causing you stress and some havoc in your life at the moment. However, I am here to tell you that you can truly move on from this experience.

I know two years is a long time to be with someone, I know that he was your first sexual experience and that also causes another emotional bond. I realize that you think that there was also an element about your mother contributing to your break-up as well – which makes you want to give him a second chance. But very often, we have outgrown the person. Even though you think you still love the person and really can’t see moving on without them, it’s really the emotional connection that keeps you going back. It is hard to move on from the past with someone, especially when you have hung out with them and shared many intimate experiences. But I am here to say that you can move on.

Also getting into another relationship in a short space of time isn’t always the best idea either. It confuses the issue – you ever heard about the “rebound guy?” Well, that happens when you haven’t given your self enough time to emotionally get over your ex (and you are going through this exact thing). Give yourself some alone time would be my true advice for you. I know this is NOT what you want to hear at this time, but this is the truth.

Basically, you need to take some alone time for yourself, get your head clear about what you want, who you want in your life and where you are going. Focus on school, please, with all of this drama around you, this can throw you off track as well. Jumping into another relationship I don’t think is a healthy thing and I personally would even put some distance between you and your ex as well. Give it a few months; I think you will see things with a much clearer perspective.

All the best,


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com

or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines