Hey Rosie!
June 15, 2012

My stepfather raped me

Hey Rosie,

My problem is that when I was very young, I was raped by my stepfather and my mother knew about it. She then let me have sex with other people Rosie. I stopped school because of this problem and now I am pregnant and don’t know my child father. What should I do? Because I went to the police and they believe my mother’s story.{{more}}

Please help me.

Dear Please Help Me,

This is such a serious charge and accusation that I hesitated to answer right away. Also, it is one of those times that I wished that I privately knew who you are, so I could network and advocate on your behalf, but this is not the case. I am so very, very sorry that you have had these horrific experiences for so long, but you CAN survive this.

To be raped as a child by someone like a stepfather, who should have been there to protect you, is so terrible, that I can’t describe how angry I am; but to have your mother know about it and then allow you to be violated again and again by other people, says to me that she’s 100 times worse for throwing you to the wolves! They both should go to jail for a long time! Unfortunately, your parents and the men who knowingly had sex with you are all at fault here and for some reason are not paying the price – which is prison time.

So, you are pregnant, dropped out of school, not sure who the father is and to top it off you were brave enough to go to the police and they did NOT believe you? Wow! As you put it, they believed your mother’s story over yours? Something isn’t adding up here at all. I hope after this story is run, the officer(s) who handled this case will recognize it and take another look. Also, you can go to the Social Welfare Department and report this case again.

You need to:

a. Find a trusted female to help through this period with the pregnancy, making sure you get the proper medical attention.

b. You need to go into intensive counseling; you have many issues that you will have to work through in order to start your healing process.

c. Then, when your turmoil begins to settle, down the road we have to get you back into evening classes to finish up your education, so you can begin your foundation to a stronger and better life. The trick to this is finding someone whom you can REALLY trust to have your back through these next very rough steps that you will have to take in your life. I also hope that the authorities really take another look at your case again and maybe a lawyer who is willing to take on this case ‘pro bono’.

No one deserves to be raped, mentally violated and betrayed the way you were. But I can assure you that you can rise above this, survive and lead others in a positive light one day. Just have faith and take those next steps. Wishing you only the best that life has to offer and reach out again please.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or P.O Box 152, Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
Youtube: Rosietv247