Sandals March to opening date
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February 2, 2024

Sandals March to opening date

Sandals Beaches Resort which is still under construction, will be ready before the March 1 Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) which will be hosted at the Buccament Bay facility.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said he got this assurance when he visited the hotel site on Tuesday, January 30 along with students from the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC).

The Prime Minister said international guests would begin arriving at the hotel on February 29 ahead of the high level summit and when he visited the resort on Tuesday he was assured it would be ready by February 28.

About 500 Vincentians workers and persons of other nationalities are working around the clock to ensure that the venue is ready, he said.

While everything on the construction side is on target, Dr Gonsalves expressed disappointment about the unfinished road leading to the new facility. He pointed out that the government is charged with the responsibility to build that road, which should have been completed since November 2023..

At present, the road is still incomplete and the prime minister believes that “they are pushing it too far down the line.”

As a result of the delayed completion there is insufficient time now to do the landscaping along the roadway.

This situation aside, Dr Gonsalves said there will still be a grand entrance to Sandals for the CELAC Summit.