Superintendent of Police exceeds his dreams
Junior Simmons, Superintendent of Police
Front Page
September 15, 2023

Superintendent of Police exceeds his dreams

Junior Simmons, whose dream was to become an Inspector of Police, is “humbled and contented” that within five years of achieving that rank, he has been promoted to Superintendent of Police.

Simmons, a resident of Lowmans Hill was amongst 88 person from the Police Department, Coast Guard Services and Fire Department who were promoted to various positions with effect from June 27, 2023. The list was made public on September 11, 2023.

When Superintendent Simmons spoke with SEARCHLIGHT on Monday, he admitted that when he first joined the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) 30 years ago, his dreams only took him as high as becoming an Inspector of Police.

“Once you are a part of any organisation, your aim would be to be elevated as you go on with your career, and the police force is an hierarchical organisation and there are different ranks, so naturally one would aspire to move up the ranks. But to be honest…the rank that I always wanted to attain was the rank of Inspector, that was my dream rank, Inspector of Police, I always thought that once I get to inspector I’m good, I’m happy.”

But when Simmons finally became an Inspector in 2017, he only remained in that position for about 12 months until he was promoted to Assistant Superintendent of Police the following year. In fact, within just five years of becoming a Police Inspector, Simmons received two promotions and is now serving as Superintendent of Police.

However, he said that though promotion is a result of hard work and dedication, He also believes that it comes from God, and he is humbled and contented by his success.

“I always say if it is God’s will, this will be done or that will be done so I believe that my success is largely based on Him blessing me, not only that, but also my work as a police officer. I’m a very dedicated police officer. I believe in getting the job done and not only that but getting it done professionally and in the right way as well.”

Simmons said he loves his job and pledges to do his best in serving the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines, as policing is all about service and the members of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force are the people’s servants.

“We have to ensure that we are always there to respond to the needs of the people, deal with their reports properly and efficaciously and to seek justice by ensuring that the law breakers or persons who would breach the laws are brought to justice.”

In light of the upsurge of firearm offences in the country, Simmons advised any person that is in illegal possession of a firearm, to report it to the police accompanied by a lawyer, Justice of Peace or anyone that they may trust as being found with the weapon by the police may result in more severe consequences.

Simmons said that he is grateful to the Commissioner of Police Colin John, his family and everyone who has been instrumental in his success.