Accused surprised  that ‘iron burnt’ child is still hospitalised
Front Page
September 12, 2023

Accused surprised that ‘iron burnt’ child is still hospitalised

A Vermont Woman was surprised to learn on Monday that the 12-year-old girl whom she is alleged to have burnt between her legs and buttocks with an electric iron was still hospitalised two weeks after the offence.

Josette Garraway appeared at the Serious Offences court yesterday, September 11 to have her bail reviewed in a matter in which she is charged that on August 29, at Vermont she did unlawfully and maliciously cause grievous bodily harm to a 12-year-old child of Vermont with intent to do so.

When the 45-year-old woman was arraigned before the Kingstown Magistrate’s court on August 30, she was not required to plead to the indictable charge and was not granted bail.

Yesterday, when prosecutor Renrick Cato informed the Chief Magistrate that the child was still hospitalised and is in currently in the paediatric ward, an expression of shock made its way to Garraway’s face.

When the Chief Magistrate questioned her reaction, Garraway answered, “No, I was surprised when he say she was still in the hospital.”

“I know she was in the hospital, but I didn’t expect her to be in there so long,” Garraway continued.

Browne told the woman that is what injuries sometimes cause, especially depending on the severity.

“Sometimes we think something is not so severe when it is very much so…” she told Garraway, explaining that the child may develop infections, and that the vagina is a soft tissue that is not going to heal properly.

“What I can say ma’am, you ought to be praying right now that this situation does not lead from this charge of grievous bodily harm to another one; for one to which bail will be completely denied…because this is a child; so if she is in the hospital since in August to now, something is going on.”

“So let us hope and pray that she recovers and she is well because God forbid and I really don’t want anything more serious to happen to a 12-year-old child.”

Browne then granted Cato’s request to remand Garraway into custody until Monday, September 18 so that the prosecution could have time to acquire the child’s medical report.

Once the report is at hand, Browne would make an assessment and decide if Garraway should be granted bail or remain in police custody.