Point brothers rescued at sea after weekend boat mishap
Teon May (left) with brother Theo May of Point Village.
Front Page
August 15, 2023

Point brothers rescued at sea after weekend boat mishap

Two brothers were among 17 persons rescued at sea Sunday night, following a mishap in the rough waters off Owia and Fancy.

The lucky duo, Theo and Teon May are from the neighbouring village of Point, and were among 18 persons who went on a regular cool out on Sunday evening.

Tragedy struck when the boat capsized off an area known as Carmacou, while the youngsters were making their way back to Owia from a picnic at the Falls of Baliene.

Up to Monday afternoon, Coast Guard officers were still searching for Kemson Browne, who remains unaccounted for after the accident.

In an interview with SEARCHLIGHT on Monday, Theo said he and his brother Teon are lucky to be alive after Sunday’s accident.

Theo said he went on the boat ride with his girlfriend Nicolette Nanton. His younger brother Teon was also on board.

“All I remember is that when we were coming back, the boat turned over.”

Concerned residents look out to sea on Sunday night, hoping for the safe return of loved ones. Photo credit: Rochelle Baptiste’s Facebook page

The 22-year-old man recalled that the area was very dark, but he and his girlfriend and his brother were among persons rescued by fishing boats that responded to their cries for help.

His brother Teon had lost consciousness when he was rescued and was treated at the Georgetown Smart Hospital and discharged.

Remembering the moments before the mishap, Theo said the sea water was very rough.

“I thought we were going to die,” Theo recounted.

On Monday, Commander of the SVG Coast Guard, Deon Henry said on NBC radio, that the search was continuing for the missing man.

He also confirmed that there were 18 persons on board the boat on the night of Sunday, August 13.